You’ll never truly know what it is like to be transgender. That’s ok. That’s good even. I don’t want other people to deal with the pain, insecurity and hurt I have. I don’t want you to worry about whether you’ll be hate-crimed in some foreign country you’re traveling to or even when you step out of your house. You shouldn’t need to wake up every day and see all the anti-trans rhetoric being masqueraded as people protecting bathrooms or women’s rights or children or sports. These people believing they are the righteous saviors of humanity. All the while people seemingly forgetting that I’m part of humanity also.
I didn’t choose to be transgender. As much as you didn’t choose to be cis-gendered. I know that is hard for people to understand. It’s hard for me to understand. Why am I trans? I don’t know. Something in my biology is different. Maybe I have a mutation in some genes or was exposed to some environmental factor. I’ll probably never know. But what I do know is that I’m just doing my best with the life I am given. Understand, every single day a trans person lives their life, they go out into the world facing down the stares, judgement and sometimes hateful actions of others. One doesn’t become trans because they want attention or positive feedback despite what Joe Rogan thinks. The affirmations are few compared to the constant requirement to defend who I am to the world everyday. I’m trans for me. My fucking body, my fucking choice. Trans people aren’t trying to usurp your rules and rights. Instead, we are just trying to EXIST within a society that is built around a sex/gender binary that doesn’t seem to benefit anyone.
It’s hard to watch people, friends, use rhetoric that is eerily similar to what was said against homosexuality. Converting children, bathroom fear mongering, just stop already. It sucks to see humanity repeat history so soon. I want people to realize that no matter what you say or do, we will progress forward as society and become more inclusive, not less. And when that change comes are you going to be proud of the things you said and did?
I don’t want to be a trans activist. It annoys me to even write these things. But what choice do I have when my mere existence has become a major topic in the culture wars?
I got your back Jo.
Honestly. Hate begets haters... Haters? well they are too busy filling themselves with hatefulness to be able to think...
They aren't thinking. Just repeating stuff that fills them with their favorite feeling...hate.
We all kind of realize that hateful thoughts swell the brain with hate... people get addicted to this.
I try to think of those hateful people like crackheads... they are pitiful... .and they are hobbled by their hate. Useless pockmarks on civil behavior.. like a blown bombshell.
It's really unfortunate that they cause so many stupid issues in the world by following through on their hate.
If anyone gives a shit about if I/you/they are male of female or somewhere in between...
I say to them ~ "Fuck you!.. get out of my biology! It's not anyone's business."
Jo, I cant think of anything to say about this except... Thank you for your contributions...
YOU are useful to the advancement civilization and de-gentrification of society...
Fuck a bunch of crack heads... just fuck em'.
I know that doesn't change their behavior toward others... but if it was not gender, they would find something else to fill that hole they call a soul.